What is Crown Lengthening?

You may have heard about crown lengthening as an emerging trend in dentistry. Crown lengthening is a procedure performed by dentists and periodontists to increase your tooth surface. This is done by recontouring gum tissue to expose more of your tooth. Thereby it lengthens how much tooth is visible. 

Reasons for crown lengthening

Crown lengthening is often recommended for the proper placement of crowns or bridges. It’s also used to enhance the aesthetic beauty of your smile. For some patients Dr. Frahm recommends crown lengthening prior to the placement of veneers.

Crown lengthening for tooth replacement: Crowns,bridges

To properly place crowns and bridges,you must have enough of a healthy tooth to support them. But what happens if you don’t have enough of your original tooth left due to either decay,a weak tooth structure,or because your tooth is broken? By sculpting your gumline,more of your tooth’s surface Is exposed to accommodate a crown or a bridge. 

Crown lengthening for aesthetics: Veneers and smile enhancement

Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment that improves the appearance of your smile. As we saw with crowns and bridges,veneers also require a stable tooth surface.  Crown lengthening can add surface and allow for a beautifully proportioned smile and gumline. 

But,the most common reason for crown lengthening is to correct a “gummy smile.” This term describes gums that are visible above the teeth when you smile. A gummy smiles can make you feel self-conscious. Crown lengthening sculpts your gums.  This enhances your smile so more of teeth show. Dental professionals refer to the golden ratio which allows for balanced proportions of your facial features,gumline,and teeth.

You may have heard to the golden proportion in relation to art and nature. Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man was drawn with ideal body proportions. A peacock’s feather contains a natural golden ratio. So too can dentists sculpt gums to bring a symmetry,dominance,and proportion for a beautiful smile. 

How is crown lengthening performed?

There are a few different techniques for crown lengthening. Reshaping gums is usually done with either a laser or scalpel.  Dr. Frahm prefers to use lasers. They are less invasive and result in less downtime and discomfort than scalpels. 

Gum reshaping is a one- to two-hour treatment. It can be done right in the dentist chair. The procedure feels familiar. Just like when a cavity is filled,Dr. Frahm numbs your gums. You’ll remain awake. The treatment consists of:

  • A soft tissue laser to remove a few millimeters of gum tissue.
  • Resculpting the gum line to expose more of tooth surface.  

Whether you are looking for crown lengthening to restore dental health or give you the smile you want,it’s a wonderful option to discuss with Dr. Frahm. Click the link below to get started!

Dr. Sarah Frahm

Understanding Deviated Septum: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

What is a Deviated Septum?

A septum in a deviated septum is the nasal septum or cartilage that divides the inside of your nose into the left and right chambers. 

When the septum deviates from its midline,it causes congestion and difficulty breathing in the smaller chamber. It also causes drying,crusting,or bleeding in the larger chamber.

Common Causes of Deviated Septum

Most people have deviated septums that cause no to minor symptoms. However,there are causes of deviated septums that can cause significant symptoms. The following causes are:


The deviated septum can have developmental causes. It can occur at birth due to genetic factors such as hereditary connective tissue diseases.  

Nose Injury

The deviated septum can also come from traumatic causes. An injury can cause the nasal septum to be displaced to either side. It can happen due to falls,fights,contact sports,automobile incidents,or rough playing. Nasal injuries can also occur in babies due to difficult childbirth. 


A deviated septum is a common condition. As a person grows,the nasal septum can grow to one side than the other. 

Recognizing Deviated Septum Symptoms

A deviated septum can have severe symptoms affecting a person’s everyday life.

The wider chamber of the nose,caused by a deviated septum,is more exposed to air. This exposure can lead to nasal drying,leading to nose bleeds. 

The more constricted chamber,caused by a deviated septum,can result in nasal congestion. The following complications occur with nasal congestion:

  • Recurring sinus infections or sinusitis
  • Sinus pressure
  • Headaches
  • Face pain
  • Noisy breathing
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea or difficulty breathing during sleep
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty breathing can lead to chronic mouth breathing
  • Chronic mouth breathing can lead to a dry mouth

When Should You See a Doctor?

If your symptoms above do not respond to home remedies or over-the-counter medication,you may want to see a doctor to be healthier and live more comfortably. Furthermore,symptoms such as chronic nasal congestion,recurring sinus infections,and frequent nosebleeds require medical consultation.

Diagnosing a Deviated Septum

To diagnose if a person has a deviated septum,your healthcare provider will review your medical history and do a physical examination. If further examination is needed,they may do the following procedures:

Nasal Endoscopy

First,they apply a decongestant spray with lidocaine to prepare your nasal cavity. Lidocaine helps the patient’s comfort with its numbing properties alongside topical anesthesia.

Then,they will use an extended tube scope attached with a bright light and a small camera to look inside. The tube would be connected to a monitor screen.

At the end of the procedure,they will remove the tube and apply a decongestant spray to the nasal cavity again.

CT Scan

If needed,your healthcare provider may recommend a CT scan of the nose. The imaging test can determine the seriousness of the deviated septum and the severity of the symptoms.

After the diagnosis,you may be referred to a sinus surgeon or an ENT specialist. 

How Sinus Surgery Can Help Correct a Deviated Septum

If medical therapy does not alleviate the symptoms you’re experiencing,surgery to correct the deviated septum can be recommended.

Septoplasty involves repositioning and aligning the nasal septum to the center of the nose. With nasal septum correction,the patient can benefit by having proper airflow inside the nasal cavity to alleviate symptoms. 

Depending on the severity of the condition,the surgery can be an outpatient or inpatient procedure that lasts 1-2 hours. In some cases,a surgeon may recommend sinus surgery to minimize sinus infections or rhinoplasty to reshape the nose.

Expert Care and Surgical Solutions at Puget Sound Sinus Center

If you are experiencing chronic sinus disease or nasal obstruction,your healthcare provider may refer you to a sinus surgeon. As the only Fellowship-trained Rhinologist and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgeon worldwide,Amy Anstead,MD,FARS,provides surgical solutions and state-of-the-art techniques to alleviate severe symptoms people experience from deviated septums. 

At Puget Sound Sinus Center,we aim to provide personalized,holistic,patient-centered care for maximum comfort and healing.

A deviated septum can cause a domino effect of symptoms that can interfere with your breathing,sleeping,and health. Having performed thousands of successful complex sinus surgeries,Dr. Anstead has treated patients to a better quality of life around the globe. If you’d like to learn more about deviated septums or other sino-nasal surgeries,click the link below! 

Explore Sinus Surgeries

Safety and well-researched ingredients in Liv Pure

Liv Pure understands the importance of safety. With so many options on the market,it’s crucial to choose a product that prioritizes your health and well-being. That’s why Liv Pure goes above and beyond to ensure that their ingredients are safe,thoroughly researched,and backed by certifications and approvals.

When formulating their products,Liv Pure takes quality control seriously. Each ingredient undergoes extensive research to guarantee its safety for consumption. The team behind Liv Pure is committed to providing customers with a supplement they can trust.

One important aspect of Liv Pure’s commitment to safety is their collaboration with Health Canada. Health Canada plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of health products available in the Canadian market. By working closely with this regulatory body,Liv Pure ensures that their ingredients meet strict standards and regulations.

Liv Pure also pays special attention to individual ingredients like genistein. Genistein is a naturally occurring compound found in plants such as soybeans. It has been studied extensively for its potential health benefits,including weight management properties. However,some individuals may have concerns about potential side effects associated with genistein or other similar ingredients commonly found in weight loss supplements.

It’s important to note that while genistein has shown promise in scientific studies,it is essential to consider individual sensitivities or allergies before starting any new supplement regimen. If you have specific concerns about genistein or any other ingredient in Liv Pure products,consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance based on your unique circumstances.

Liv Pure understands that transparency is key. That’s why they provide detailed information about each ingredient used in their supplements on their website and product labels. This allows consumers to make informed decisions based on their own research and understanding of the ingredients involved.

Liv Pure Reviews: Unbiased Analysis & Buyer’s Guide

Are you tired of trying weight loss products that promise the world but deliver nothing? Well,you’re not alone. With so many options out there,it’s hard to know which ones actually work. That’s where Liv Pure comes in. This popular product has been making waves in the weight loss industry,and today we’re here to dive into Liv Pure reviews.

Before diving headfirst into any new product,it’s essential to do your research. That’s why reading reviews is crucial when considering Liv Pure. These reviews can provide valuable insights from real people who have tried the product themselves. By learning from their experiences,you can make an informed decision about whether Liv Pure is right for you.

But wait,how credible are these Liv Pure reviews? It’s a valid question. With so much information available online,it’s important to ensure that the sources you rely on are trustworthy.

Liv Pure products are carefully formulated with specific key ingredients that offer unique benefits. These ingredients have been selected based on scientific research and traditional knowledge to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Now,why are we writing about Liv Pure reviews specifically? Our goal is simple: we want to provide you with all the information needed to make an educated decision about this weight loss solution. We believe that by sharing authentic experiences and shedding light on both the pros and cons of using Liv Pure,we can help guide you towards achieving your health goals.

So let’s get started! But before we do,make sure to check out the official Liv Pure website for more detailed information about this product that promises to be a game-changer in your weight loss journey.

The Interplay of Emotions and Energy Healing

Emotions play a significant role in shaping our experiences and influencing our overall well-being. Often,unresolved emotional traumas and negative feelings can manifest as physical ailments or mental distress. Energy healing,an ancient practice rooted in various cultures,seeks to address imbalances in the body’s energy systems to promote healing and restoration. This article explores the fascinating connection between emotions and energy healing,highlighting how addressing emotional imbalances can positively impact one’s overall health and vitality.

Understanding Emotions

Emotions are complex physiological and psychological responses to various stimuli,encompassing a wide range of feelings such as joy,fear,sadness,anger,and love. They serve as a crucial part of the human experience,guiding us in decision-making,forming connections with others,and signaling our needs and desires. Emotions are not isolated occurrences; they can affect various aspects of our physical and mental health.

The Link Between Emotions and Energy

Energy healing approaches,such as Reiki,qigong energy healing,acupuncture,and pranic healing,operate on the premise that our bodies are composed of subtle energy fields that regulate our health and well-being. This energy is believed to flow through specific pathways called meridians or chakras. When these energy flows are blocked or disrupted due to emotional imbalances,it can lead to physical ailments or psychological issues.

Negative emotions like stress,anxiety,and grief can cause blockages in the energy flow,hindering the body’s natural ability to heal itself. For instance,prolonged stress can weaken the immune system,making one more susceptible to illnesses. Energy healers aim to identify and clear these blockages,allowing the energy to flow freely and restore harmony in the body.

Energy Healing and Emotion Release

Energy healing modalities often incorporate techniques for emotional release. The process involves identifying and acknowledging suppressed emotions and traumatic experiences,allowing them to surface and be released. This cathartic experience can provide profound relief,as it unburdens the body and mind from carrying the weight of unresolved emotions.

Practitioners may use various approaches,such as guided meditation,breathwork,or affirmations,to facilitate emotional release during energy healing sessions. By acknowledging and processing these emotions,individuals can experience a newfound sense of emotional freedom and inner peace.

The Role of the Practitioner

An energy healing practitioner plays a vital role in guiding individuals through their emotional healing journey. They create a safe and supportive space for clients to express their feelings and experiences openly. Empathy,compassion,and active listening are crucial qualities of a skilled energy healer.

Practitioners also work to balance the client’s energy centers,or chakras,which are believed to be interconnected with specific emotions. For example,the heart chakra is often associated with love and compassion,while the throat chakra is linked to communication and self-expression. By balancing these energy centers,energy healers aim to bring harmony to the emotional state.

Integrating Energy Healing with Other Therapies

Energy healing should not be viewed as a replacement for traditional medical or psychological treatments. Instead,it can complement and enhance other therapeutic approaches. By addressing emotional blockages and promoting relaxation,energy healing may facilitate the body’s natural healing processes,making conventional treatments more effective.

The relationship between emotions and energy healing underscores the importance of addressing the whole person for holistic well-being. By acknowledging and releasing suppressed emotions,individuals can experience profound healing on physical,emotional,and spiritual levels. Energy healing,in combination with conventional therapies,can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life,fostering greater harmony and vitality. As the understanding of energy healing continues to evolve,more research and exploration into this ancient practice can open doors to transformative healing possibilities.

Ogawa Massage Chairs: Unveiling the Perfect Blend of Luxury and Wellness

Ogawa Massage Chairs is a well-known brand that specializes in high-quality massage chairs all over the world. Ogawa has earned a solid reputation in the industry for its commitment to health and wellness products. We will delve into the history of Ogawa Massage Chairs, explore their innovative features, highlight the Genix Full-Body Compact Massage Chair, provide a buying guide, showcase testimonials, and ultimately uncover the perfect blend of luxury and wellness that these chairs provide.

The Legacy of Ogawa Massage Chairs

Ogawa has continuously endeavored to manufacture exceptional products and promote holistic well-being since its foundation in 1996. The company's commitment to health and wellness has garnered them countless honors and established them as a prominent brand in Asia and beyond. Ogawa Massage Chairs have a significant global presence and have become synonymous with quality, innovation, and customer happiness.

The Innovative Features of Ogawa Massage Chairs

Ogawa massage chairs stand out for their creative features that improve the massage experience and promote general well-being.

  • L-Track design: The L-Track design of Ogawa massage chairs follows the natural curve of the spine, providing a broader range of coverage and optimal support. This layout provides a more immersive and effective massage experience.
  • Air compression therapy: Air compression therapy is one of the most distinctive aspects of Ogawa massage chairs. The chairs apply rhythmic pressure to specific parts of the body via targeted airbags, facilitating improved circulation, easing muscle tension, and enhancing relaxation.
  • 3D or 4D rollers: Ogawa massage chairs incorporate innovative roller technology. These rollers, whether 3D or 4D, simulate human hand movements, providing a personalized and therapeutic massage. Users can change the intensity and depth of the rollers to suit their personal tastes.

Spotlight on the Genix Full-Body Compact Massage Chair

The Genix Full-Body Compact Massage Chair is one of the most prominent models from Ogawa Massage Chairs. This chair blends luxury, functionality, and a space-saving design that makes it ideal for a variety of living settings.

The Genix has the following features:

  • Full-body massage capabilities: Despite its small size, the Genix provides a comprehensive full-body massage experience. It precisely targets specific places from head to toe, bringing relief and relaxation.
  • Customizable massage programs: The Genix offers a variety of massage methods and techniques, such as kneading, tapping, rolling, and more. Users can select from pre-programmed choices or personalize their massage to their liking.
  • Compact design: Ogawa designed the Genix to be tiny without sacrificing functionality due to restricted space. It mixes in with any home decor and is ideal for people looking for the Best Chairs Under 5000 without compromising critical space.

The Ogawa Massage Chair Buying Guide

Consider the following aspects when purchasing an Ogawa massage chair to make an informed decision:

  • Research: Take the time to investigate and comprehend the many models and features that are offered. Examine your individual requirements and preferences.
  • Budget: Determine your financial range and look for a model that has the features and functionality you want within that range.
  • Reviews and recommendations: Read customer reviews and seek suggestions from reliable sources to acquire insight into the chairs' performance and durability.
  • The Modern Back website: Visit The Modern Back website for a trustworthy source, which has a large selection of 4D massage chairs. Explore their selection, compare models, and make an informed decision depending on your needs.

Testimonials and User Experiences

Real-life customer testimonials speak loudly about the effectiveness and comfort of Ogawa massage chairs. Users commend the chairs for relieving muscle tension, reducing stress, and providing a general sensation of relaxation and well-being. These testimonials underline the brand's commitment to quality and performance, solidifying its position as an industry leader.


Ogawa Massage Chairs provide the ideal combination of luxury and well-being, allowing you to enjoy a soothing massage experience in the privacy of your own home. Ogawa continues to set the industry standard with their unique features, impeccable design, and dedication to client satisfaction. Ogawa Massage Chairs are an excellent choice if you want to relieve muscle stress, boost general well-being, or simply enjoy a luxurious relaxation experience. Explore the various models available, think about your needs and preferences, and set out on a journey of maximum relaxation and wellness with Ogawa Massage Chairs.